Meet James
James is the spunky kid from Honey Bear Lane. He likes pirates, dinosaurs, cars, building, and going on adventures. James’ imagination is so big, it can change the world. Even though he gets into mischief with the Masked Bandits, he’s a good kid with a kind heart. His favorite ice cream is beachy peachy.
Meet Liza
Liza is James’ older sister. She’s creative and bold, with an eye for the beauty in the world. Even though she tries to act grown up, she’s still a kid who wants to have fun. She and James have grand adventures together. Her favorite ice cream is strawberry dream.
Meet the Masked Bandits
The Masked Bandits are James’ favorite toys and imaginary friends. They love to scheme and get into trouble with James. Panda is smart, gentle, and caring. Raccoon is wild and wily. When the adventure is over, they look out for James. Liza, too. Their favorite ice cream is pretzel blast.